IMF-WIFPR Conference on Financial and Real Implications of Technologies, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Cyber Risks

IMF Headquarters

Washington, DC

June 18, 2024

8:00am Registration and Breakfast
8:45-9:00am Welcome Remarks: Tobias Adrian (IMF) and Itay Goldstein (Wharton)
9:00-9:30am Global Financial Stability Outlook: Jason Wu (IMF)
9:30-11:15am Session 1: Artificial Intelligence, Markets, and Risks
Chair: Mario Catalán
Winston Dou (Wharton), Itay Goldstein (Wharton), and Yan Ji (HKUST), “AI-Powered Trading, Algorithmic Collusion, and Price Efficiency
Discussant: Pete Kyle (Maryland)
Tania Babina (Columbia), Anastassia Fedyk (Berkeley), Alex He (Maryland), and James Hodson (Jozef Stefan Institute), “Firm Investments in Artificial Intelligence and Systematic Market Risk”
Discussant: Lauren Cohen (Harvard)
Andrea L. Eisfeldt (UCLA), Gregor Schubert (UCLA), Miao Ben Zhang (USC), and Bledi Taska (Lightcast), “The Labor Impact of Generative AI on Firm Values
Discussant: Emmanuel Yimfor (Columbia)
11:15-11:30am Break
11:30am-12:45pm Research Panel: New Technologies and Artificial Intelligence: Landscape, Challenges, and Outlook
Moderator: Felix Suntheim (IMF)
Itay Goldstein (Wharton)
Sabrina Howell (NYU)
Anton Korinek (University of Virginia)
Josh Lerner (Harvard)
12:45-1:45pm Lunch
1:45-2:15pm IMF Global Financial Stability Report Presentation: Cyber Risk–A Growing Concern for Macrofinancial Stability (Felix Suntheim)
2:15-3:30pm Policy Panel: Emerging Technologies as Risks and Opportunities: Industry and Policy Perspectives
Moderator: Fabio Natalucci (IMF)
Tong Lee Lim (Monetary Authority of Singapore)
Jean-François Legault (JPMorgan Chase)
Sian Towson (Oliver Wyman)
Jessica Renier (Institute of International Finance)
3:30-3:45pm Break
3:45-5:30pm Session 2: Money and Banking, Cyber-Risk, and Security
Chair: Cecilia Parlatore (NYU)
Markus Brunnermeier (Princeton) and Jonathan Payne (Princeton), “Strategic Money and Credit Ledgers
Discussant: Yao Zeng (Wharton)
Rustam Jamilov (Oxford), Hélène Rey (LBS), and Ahmed Tahoun (LBS), “The Anatomy of Cyber Risk
Discussant: Emily Williams (Harvard)
Thomas Eisenbach (NY Fed), Anna Kovner (NY Fed), and Michael Lee (NY Fed), “When It Rains, It Pours: Cyber Vulnerability and Financial Conditions
Discussant: Yiming Ma (Columbia)
5:30pm Concluding Remarks: Fabio Natalucci (IMF)


For a pdf version of the program, please click here.