Wharton Conference on Liquidity and Financial Fragility 

October 18-19, 2024

The Wharton Conference on Liquidity and Financial Fragility is a conference held at the University of Pennsylvania. The inaugural conference occurred in 2012 and, after a break during the pandemic, we are now gearing up for the our 10th anniversary conference, which will be October 18 – 19, 2024. The conference will feature papers by leading authors on the broad topics of liquidity and financial fragility.

Some themes covered in past conferences include: (1) Coordination failures, self-fulfilling beliefs, and runs. (2) Financial frictions and the macro economy. (3) Liquidity and frictions in financial markets. (4) Systemic risk and financial regulation. (5) Financial institutions, networks, and contagion. (6) Sovereign debt crises and their link to the financial sector. (7) The impact of crises and fragility on firms’ financing and investment policies.

The organizers of the conference are Vincent Glode, Itay Goldstein, Guillermo Ordonez, and Yao Zeng.

On this website, you can see details about previous conferences and about the upcoming program.

For more information about the conference, please contact:

Max Harris, Senior Fellow 
Wharton Initiative on Financial Policy and Regulation
Email: maxrh@wharton.upenn.edu